How To Get Started As An Online Personal Trainer

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A lot of personal trainers, nutritionists, doctors, and even people who aren’t currently in the health industry have all thought about following their passion by starting an online business so that they can scale and ultimately create economic independence and freedom in their life. 

This sounds amazing, right?

So why is it that so few “take the leap”? 

I’ll tell you why… fear. 

The most common fears that keep health professionals from taking action on living their best life include thoughts such as:

  • What will others think of me?
  • What if I look bad?
  • What will happen if I’m not making money right away? 
  • What if I can’t live up to my purpose?
  • What if I take this chance but then it doesn’t go as planned?
  • What if I can never have my old job back that had a guaranteed paycheck every week? 

Following your passion doesn’t mean that some of those fears won’t come true, but, it does mean that facing your fears will be worth it to you. 

Following Through On Your Passion In Life

Living your true passion isn’t always easy. 

It’s kind of like being in a really good relationship. 

Sometimes it can be really tough, but you always know that in spite of any struggles there is no place you’d rather be. 

Let me tell you something you already know, if you step into this online world it’s not a question of *if* you will be criticized or attacked, it’s just a matter of when.

Don’t let this keep you from creating content or moving forward with your business idea, in fact, I love the criticism because it’s a stronger indicator that your message has power. 

Realistically Dealing With Change

Another common fear that most don’t like to admit is their fear of change. 

They think that once they flip the script on their life that they will be opening up a Pandora’s Box of serious consequences and changes that they don’t want. 

This is true actually, change will definitely happen. 

But the beauty of being your own boss is that all change moving forward from this day onward will be because you wanted it to happen and not anyone else. 

When you run your own ship you aren’t forced to do anything and you can focus exclusively on what you love to do. 

By staying grounded, educating yourself, and having self-awareness you will be able to approach this at a much higher level then you’re giving yourself credit for. 

This change that seems so scary will change your life, but the only road to becoming a better version of yourself is to change everything. 

Don’t limit yourself to staying comfortably numb in your current position, embrace change and all of the beautiful chaos that comes with it. 

What To Do First To Start Your Online Fitness Business

You will need to take educational steps in your current job position during your off-hours in order to get comfortable with the online world and begin to gain more clarity on the road ahead. 

But, don’t use this excuse to “wait for the right time” because that will never come. 

Instead, place a deadline on yourself for when you are going to have all of these articles read:

How To Start An Online Fitness Business

How To Optimize Your Time, Business Efficiency, And Profits

The Art Of Selling

Five Steps To Transitioning Your Fitness Business Online

How You Can Make Money With A Fitness Blog

How To Pick A Profitable Niche In Your Fitness Business

A Beginner’s Guide To Online Fitness Marketing

Four Unstoppable Referral Strategies for Fitness Entrepreneurs

Then, once you have completed all of the above and are ready to take action on them make sure you check out the rest of the articles here in case you need to fill in any gaps. 

But, it’s my fearless prediction that the above resources will put you WAY ahead of the game (and in a WAY better position than I was when I first started out) and that your gap-filling needs would come at a later date.

Final Thoughts

You need to get over your fears and trust that you’ll make the right decisions. 

The most important decision of all is living a life of purpose, intention, and freedom. You will never be able to do that until you finally give yourself permission to jump. 
If you want some bungee cords, a parachute, and a professional guide to help you navigate your leap — check out the Create Freedom Academy today because it will instantly put you on the course for ultimate success and freedom.

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